Gain a champion for cybersecurity with a vCISO

KanawaTech vCISO is someone dedicated to your organization overall security posture by leading the charge in defending your organization cyber security front.

How KanawaTech vCISO works for you

  • Provided by a CISSP
  • Delivered in person, over the phone, and/or by email
  • Get updates on your industry’s best practices and recommendations
  • A professional that manages the cybersecurity portion of your contracts and agreements with your clients/customers
  • An IT framework tailored to your needs and based on a national or international standard
  • Ensures that your environment, executive team, and employees are compliant with necessary regulationsIncludes drafted policies, procedures, and plans
  • Auditing of specific controls needed by your organization, includes CISO Annual Board Report, GAP/Risk Assessment
  • Evaluating your security posture is crucial to maintaining complianceFor all desktop/laptop, software, and server vendor management
  • Executive summary reports and implementation of a Phishing Lifecycle that increases awareness and security depth for all employees in your organization
  • Consultation on which services and security layers to add, when to engage third-party organizations for assessment or 24/7 vigilance

vCISO: A smart investment for your company

A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is capable of working with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and your executive team in managing and coordinating third-party security assessments, and applying and managing a defense framework to help defend your network at a higher level.

For organizations that are required to meet compliance, vendor risk assessments and risk analysis can aid you in capturing contracts with prospective clients/customers or maintaining good standing with current clients and their agreements.

Your cybersecurity program is an investment. Unless you’re particularly savvy with technology compliance on top of the rest of your normal duties, you’re going to need someone with experience to make sure your company’s cybersecurity is up to par.

Meet your organization’s security needs with a vCISO

In the rapidly-evolving world of cybersecurity, installing a firewall and having a staff meeting about phishing emails isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Whether your organization is required to meet compliance (such as HIPAA, GDPR, NYDFS, or CMMC) or your industry is just incredibly valuable, you have something to lose. An individual that understands the business needs, security requirements, policies, and procedures to tailor and implement for your organization is an absolute must for continued growth. That’s what KanawaTech vCISO will be for your business.

Start the conversation with a strategy session.

Our Strategy Session is a true conversation. We’ll learn more about your organization, you’ll learn about our approach, and we’ll talk about what your IT solutions could look like with kanawaTech